Dennis Bartram Active Balance Re Balance Your Body At Home
Active Balance Body Alignment that has its roots in Traditional Japanese Medicine. Active Balance principles taught today are from the ancient school, known as ‘Hichi Buku Goshin Jutsu’ which dates back over 3,000 years and translates as ‘The secret of the opening flower school for the protection of the self’ headed by Grandmaster Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi. This ancient healing therapy was originally taught alongside the martial arts, as the yin/yang (martial /medicine) of the art, and uses various techniques and natural movement (taijutsu) to help balance various systems of the body to bring about alignment, health, and wellbeing. In 1995 Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi began teaching 3 non-Japanese people (Dennis Bartram, Chris Roworth, and William Doolan) this ancient healing system for the first time ever. Active Balance has now successfully been underpinned by modern science and has been shared with people worldwide, to get the benefits of this ancient therapy. http